September 29, 2014

Last Chance!

Create exciting environments and bring them to life with color and light! Last chance to save $100 on my self taught online classes! Designing with Color and Light, Environment Design

September 26, 2014


I was recently interviewed for the Savvy Painter podcast, you can listen here.
Links to a few other interviews in the sidebar.

September 25, 2014

Fall Sale Ends Soon...

This is the last week of the Fall sale, save $100 on all self taught classes!
Designing with Color and Light:

September 23, 2014

Schoolism Live Montreal!

 It was a fantastic time at Schoolism Live Montreal this weekend! I got to talk about some of my favorite subjects as well as rub shoulders with some of the best artists out there.

From left to right: Kei Acedera, Bobby Chiu (organizer and host), Myself, Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi with their lovely wives.

Special thanks to everyone who joined us!

September 15, 2014

Schoolism Live Montreal this Weekend!

Myself, Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi are excited to see all of you in Montreal this weekend! Register here.

September 10, 2014

El Dorado

Continuing posts for the Schoolism annual Fall sale:
This is from the animated film The Road to El Dorado; learn how in my self taught online classes at while the sale is on!

September 08, 2014

The lighters hated me for this scene...

This is my version of photoshop impressionism. It's part of a discussion from my online lectures and demos about using color and light to best effect in an environment. I'll be posting material from my online classes while the Schoolism Fall sale is going on: $100 off the regular price of self taught classes until September 30!
Sign up for Designing with Color and Light!
Sign up for Environment Design!

September 04, 2014

Save $100 on my online self taught classes!!

If you've been interested in my online entertainment design classes, now is the time! Get $100 off the regular price!
Sign up for Designing with Color and Light here!
Sign up for Environment Design here!

September 02, 2014

From Sinbad

I know it’s an execution scene and everything but c’mon, was cropping my painting really all that necessary? :)